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CEO Olivia's Quick Sniff eBook Series

We hope these books offer you support & guidance.  Please understand these ebooks should not be considered a substitute for proper veterinary care.

PDF versions: Just click on the image


For Apple & eBook Readers:

Step#1 Check Your Emotions

Seizure types

Stages of a Seizure

If I Knew Then What I Know Now (I still Wouldn't Change A Thing)


My huMom & I would like to dedicate these eBooks to:

Gibson of the Five Sibes, Siberian Huskey K9 News & Reviews

LuLu of LuLu's Journey - a pug's life with epilepsy

Riley of Living the Life of Riley

Riona of Riona, a Mastiffs Life with Epilepsy

Ruger of Ruger the Staffy

All canine Epi Warriors  who have lost their battle, those still fighting the monster that is epilepsy & their loving caregivers.

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